Thursday 7 March 2013


Do you know the feeling when you just can’t stand a certain word? It happened to me with "balance". It seems that finding a balance is popular again. You can read about the best ways to balance your career and your free time, about balancing being a mother and a business woman and about being a great lover and a perfect housewife just to mention a few. 

When my son turned two, I realised that it was about time for me to start doing ceramics more seriously again. Yes, I am stay-at-home mom, so you may think that shouldn’t be a problem. Well I had some beginner’s difficulties. Namely, the lack of time. It's hard to find a free minute in company of a two year old. So I started going to the studio at night, when he was asleep. Soon I realised that it wasn’t enough. At the end of the day I was extremely tired and not as productive as I wished. At the same time, my mind was bursting with ideas that just demanded attention. And my sketchbook was getting full. 

I had to find... balance. Here it is, the faux-pas word. My only chance to work in my studio was to integrate my son in it. At the beginning I gave him pencils and paper so that he could draw. Soon that was not enough and he wanted to work with clay as well. No problem. I didn’t mind him getting dirty. 

The result is that I am spending much more time in my studio and I am probably supporting my son’s creativity. Well, there were some fragile porcelain pots broken as he climbed the shelves to get them and, yes, our house could use some more cleaning lately.

But who cares! It's all about finding balance.